
West Virginia Senior America

The Ms West Virginia Senior America State Pageant is administered by Linda Anthony, Ms. North Carolina 2013; and Sandi Waters-Wisnieski, Ms West Virginia 2018. Many thanks to Ms Anthony and Ms Waters-Wisnieski for their talented State Queens!


Ms. West Virginia, Dr. Carolyn Cottrell CONGRATULATIONS to DR. CAROLYN COTTRELL, Ms West Virginia Senior America 2016!

Dr. Cottrell grew up in Charleston, West Virginia. She is one of five children and has four brothers. Carolyn's maternal grandfather was a master violin maker and she was exposed to classical music at an early age, and later studied ballet.

One of her great interests was science. After graduation from high school she attended Morris Harvey College and West Virginia State College working on her degree in Biology. She would later move to Oklahoma with a company she worked for, and there she would finish her degree in Biology. She was accepted in Oklahoma University College of Dentistry where she obtained her doctorate in Dental Surgery.

After graduation, Dr. Cottrell would travel and live for two years in Egypt. After accepting a contract from Saudi Arabia she worked as a dentist for three years before returning to the States.

Upon her return to the U.S., Dr. Cottrell worked in Private Practice and began to do Dentistry for incarcerated teens for the state of Massachusetts. She became certified in Forensic Dentistry and spent several years in certification. While she was in Saudi Arabia, she met the Deans of Tufts, Harvard, and Boston University. It was this meeting that opened the door to begin as an Instructor at Tufts School of Dental Medicine. It has been twenty one years since she began, and she still loves teaching Forensic and Clinical Operative Dentistry. She has lectured nationally and internationally in the Field of Forensics and Biological Terrorism.

Dr. Cottrell's other outside interests are: interior design, travel, jazz and classical music, opera, ballet, and scientific advances.

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